So here's ShadowMask, ready to pounce on that poor riot cop from offensive miniatures. I started to work on Shadowmask before I got this idea. When it was time for mounting, I tought he just looked too puny just jumping from a wall. Now he just looks so killer! I'm not totally happy with the conversion though, as I didn't want to damage my painting, so I didn't bend his head to look down and I had to compromise the final pose so the mini would'nt be too unbalanced.
I must say that in general Pulp City miniatures are a pleasure to paint. Details are crisp, poses are very dynamic and often come with nice accessories for basing, like statues and such. When they don't, the pose is so inspiring that you just have to go the extra mile. The fluff is also excellent, constantly inspiring my painting and giving me ideas for basing.
I'm also working on Tanuki , the other mini present in the box. Seeing my track record on blogging, I wont make any promise :). But I'm aiming for 1 mini a week until all my supers and minions are painted.
Nice work and cool basing.