The adventure itself went really well. The two police made their way inside,searched around before finding a woman hiding. Rolling on the Halt! table, she was calmed and one officer proceeded with the search while the other took the woman's deposition. The patrolling cop found the Z, rolled into melee on the "zed or no zed" table and quickly knocked it down. Since this was Day One, I ruled that the cops treated it like any other dangerous suspect. So he was cuffed while knocked down(cops won activation). Meanwhile, girlfriend sneaks up on the cops and starts yelling at them. Police try to calm the woman, zombie gets back up. Police win melee,knocks it down. Zombie gets up. Police knocked it down. After a while of this I got bored and ruled that the Z just ripped its own arm off to get at those tasty brains. Police wins melee, knocks it down.. It gets back up. They shoot, knock it down, it gets back up. This goes on for 21 turns, I kidd you not. I could just picture the officers shooting it in the legs, the arms then body shots as they come to the realization that the thing they faced wasn't, couldn't be human. I eventually rolled a 1 but I figured there was no way the bureaucracy could let so many shots slide.
So my heroes were suspended pending hearing, while the whole world kept sliding down the drain. In the face of growing chaos however, the two partners were soon recalled to help quelling the "Riot in ZombieTown"...